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ExExpense is an expense sharing, tracking and family debt management tool for divided households. Whether you are starting the divorce process, in the midst of it, or already free, and you have children's expenses or other co parenting shared expenses, ExExpense offers a comprehensive family expense tracker to streamline and simplify that process.

You define your sharing percentages by category, then simply upload your expenses using your smart phone, pick the type of expense to be shared, and ExExpense does the calculation and displays the amounts owed between the parties.

  • Automate and streamline calculations Most agreements have different sharing percentages by category and some percentages don't apply until a first dollar limit is hit. Exexpense takes care of any complications in your calculation!
  • Summary reports by year easily track status. Using our advanced algorithm ExExpense creates reports for each category by year. Our filtering tool allows you to quickly and easily see the items along with the totals for your seletions.
  • Central on line storage of all documentation ExExpense stores all the attachments (e.g., receipts, proof of payment) along with the expense record, so the information is readily available when and where you need it.
  • Intuitive and user friendly. Quickly and easily add a new expense and attach supporting documentation including receipts and invoices. ExExpense can use the camera feature on your mobile device to quickly take a picture of your supporting documentation and attach it to the expense.
  • Export and Emailing ExExpense provides tools to allow you to quickly and easily export detailed reports or summary data to spreadsheets in case you need to quickly get that information. Also, you can create a rich text (MIME) email of the detail.

Choosing the Right Parenting Plan for the ChildrenExExpense Blog

A family expense tracking and management tool for divided households.Going through divorce process when there are children involved adds another level of complexity. Without children involved the divorce process is really just an administrative distribution of assets and liabilities, and sometimes continued spousal support, otherwise known as alimony. However, adding children into the mix changes everything.