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ExExpense Professional Suite

The ExExpense suite of expense and document management applications are a smart addition for professional firms looking to build stronger bonds with their clients, gain competitive advantages when competing for new clients, and streamline their practices. ExExpense eliminates the expense management, and document “nightmares” associated with a client population still tied to a paper world.

Now you can bring ExExpense to your firm and and help bring a new level of organization and deeper connection with your clients while overseeing multiple accounts from a single log in.

If your firm wants to;

  • Focus on billable hours and higher margins
  • Streamline document communications
  • Gain more satisfying client outcomes
  • Stand out from competition with powerful technology

Request a demo to see how the ExExpense suite of products can impact your bottom line.

Watch how ExExpense can benefit you and your practice

For Family Attorneys and Mediators

ExExpense was originally developed to satisfy the unmet need for divorced families to split shared expenses for their children. We’ve since added more capabilities including document management and enhanced reporting as well as an expense challenge feature. Firms representing their divorcing clients were soon asking for access to help manage their client relationships so we’ve developed a professional solution that benefits both clients and representative firm.

Benefits for your Divorcing Clients;

  • Expense Management - easily split ongoing shared expenses and attach receipts and statements using your smartphone camera; stop fighting over who owes who what
  • Document Storage - go paperless and securely store and send important legal, personal, and financial documents and keep them always on hand wherever you are!
  • Collaborators - Add collaborators and professionals to access important documents for a streamlined consultation; limit access to documents you want to share and to whom

Benefits for your Family Law or Mediation practice;
  • Streamline Relationships - Keep clients longer, and more profitable with streamlined technology in a hyper competitive environment
  • Admin Oversight - Manage multiple client accounts from one dashboard and one log in
  • Time Tracking - Assign timesheets to clients and projects
  • Document Management - Go paperless and store important onboarding, process, legal, and practice documents like invoices and send to anyone anywhere!
  • Expense Management - Assign expenses to clients and projects; attach receipts
  • Collaboration - Add collaborators to your document file cabinet and limit access to only documents you want them to see
  • Reporting - Instantly access detailed reporting and send to anyone
  • Simple technology solution – with intuitive interface that’s easy to understand; paralegals love this solution
Request a demo to see how ExExpense can improve your clients' lives and your firms' family law practice.

Submit the form or call (800) 397-1411 to schedule an appointment to discuss various options or to set up a demo.